Saturday, October 31, 2009

More NYC

Photo 133-135: I have to admit, fall is a great time for photography, because of all the colors and the feeling you get as you walk around on a crisp afternoon.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Walkway Suspended

Photo 132: Walking around downtown and on the High Line gives you quite the different view of NYC. Even though I was a bit disappointed with the High Line, it was still worth seeing.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

'O Little Boat...

Photo 130-131: Here are some more from this past weekend. Hope you enjoy! It was a beautiful, sunny and stunning fall day... which we have been paying for with the three-day rain we've had. I practically swim to work every day, so of course I did backflips all the way to Jersey on Sunday.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Afternoon in Liberty State Park

Photo 127-129: I've realized I've slacked off lately with posting pictures, but it hasn't come down to the not taking the pictures, it's all about having time to edit them. This weekend I went to Liberty State Park and shot some nice images of the skyline from the Jersey side. It was fun, especially since I had my friend, Luca, with me, who patiently waited until I got up off the ground after taking yet another picture. lol I have to go back at night to get a shot of the skyline with all the pretty, blinking lights, but I was so tired from the weekend, I couldn't be persuaded to stay any longer than it took to shoot 60 photos. *wink*

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Church to Remember

Photo 125-126: So I'm not a huge fan of churches here in the U.S., I've been spoiled by the grand splendour of Catholic Churches throughout Europe, but this one truly is a beauty. The mosaics are so pretty, and it helps when you have a little backlighting... :D

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Spy...

Photo 122-124: So who knew I was going to stalk a princess at Balboa National Park. Here's a beautiful girl celebrating her quincenera with a little heat, a little attitude and a little prayer that the photo session she's enduring is about to end with a huge piece of cake and a party!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Beautiful Best Friend

Photo 120-121: Ok, so I'm probably going to get killed for posting these two pictures, but my best friend (Candice) and I went to San Diego this weekend, and I got to sneak in a few shots of her as she's looking stunningly beautiful, absolutely hilarious with a carefree spirit to boot. So this is to her big heart, her sense of humor and her uncanny ability to find 32 degree temperatures amusing even as we're standing in the taxi line at JFK, shivering, getting frost bite and dreaming of palm trees and flip flops.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blurry Isn't Always Bad...

Photo 119: I am in San Diego right now, working this morning and then taking Pedro for a stroll tonight. I fled the rain/cold/sleet/fall weather in NYC, and now am basking in 75 degree weather. Be jealous... lol Candice is also with me, and she's doing photography sleuthing, even brought her San Diego Photographer Guide with her. Watch out coast, here we come...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Patterns II

Photo 116-118: So it's been a very dry month for photography. I have no excuse besides my busy schedule, my lack of enthusiasm, and just absolute rebellion at the season turning into fall. I am off to San Diego today, Pedro is coming with me, so I'll have lots of new pictures. I did manage to capture two "patterns" over the last few weeks, which are below. I know, I keep breaking promises lately, but next week, when life returns back to relative calmness and normalcy, my Wall Street pictures will be shot and posted, and I'll haunt the Liberty State Park or Brooklyn Promenade. They've been on my list all summer, and nada... I'm disappointed in myself actually. Ok, enough of a confession, here's my pictures for today, and I will be back soon from SUNNY SAN DIEGO!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Photo 115: I'm going on a photohunt of NYC tomorrow, but I wanted to post a little preview.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Man's Best Friend - Part Deux

Photo 113-114: I seem to photograph a lot of dogs lately, but these two pictures just make me laugh out loud. The first picture is of a very cute, energetic little dog I saw running around outside the Brooklyn Museum. He took a rest for a few seconds, tail up and ear alert, but then flew across the grass again to harass a little boy playing with a baseball.

The second picture just amuses me. The little boy is my friend's son, and he loves to pet and hug the dog. The look of sheer terror on the dog's face is priceless. And honest to God, the dog enjoys Nael's attention, he is just very, very old, so fears clumsy little hands.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Christiane a Paris

Photo 110-112: Here are a few more images of the clothing store's unofficial "opening." That's all I got today. lol I'm tired, my tooth hurts, and yet, I post. How's THAT for dedication. Honestly, I've been feeling bad about slacking off, so I'll have to rev up on the postings again.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Venture

Photo 109: I've been in PA helping out the family with the gallery, and they now have a fabulous clothing store called Christiane a Paris as well. It's becoming quite the little business, and I have to tell you, I'm so flipping excited for everyone involved. Not only is the artwork absolutely inspiring, but the clothing is so different and so beautiful. I caught Joelle, outside, through the new store's windows, taking a much-needed break, and looking as fashionable and happy as she can only be.