Monday, August 31, 2009

A Man's Best Friend

Photo 70-71: My uncle has a new dog, Leo, and he's filled with spunk, energy and acts like a one-year old dog should - with more enthusiasm than you know what to do with. He is absolutely adorable, and quite the show dog as well. But it doesn't take fancy toys to amuse Leo, he's happy with an empty water bottle and a backyard. My nephew, who's 18, and him had quite the fun afternoon on Saturday, and as you can see, they bonded quickly over a game of fetch.


  1. Liebe Verena, wie übersetzt man am besten das Wort "Spunk" ? Da gibt es offensichtlich Unterschiede in BE, AE und Australien English.

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Hier bedeutet es dass Leo voller Energie and Lebensfreude ist. hahaha
